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As a mom and wife we all try to be our best. Raising kids, being a wife, putting food on the table, grocery shopping, laundry, keeping the house organized and tidy…
Everybody is different and every home is different. The priorities are also different. Some of us prefer a clean house but others make sure there is always a home cooked meal on the table and the organizing/cleaning can wait.
I am a mom who prefers to have everything organized before I start to cook (and yes, sometimes we end up ordering food instead). However, I found that if I organize my schedule and not just my home I am able to meal prep and that means most days we will eat a home cooked meal (well, not sure if this is always good news🥴)
Spring is a good time, especially before Easter to declutter your home, but how? We are always busy. We can’t even make time for ourselves. Well friends, little by little. Decluttering, sorting and organizing the whole house won’t happen in a day, it may even take several weeks. But here are some of the benefits that you will feel after you are done:
- less stress and anxiety
- finding things easier
- a newfound love for your home: you will love it more than ever!
- less things to clean
I would like to share with you a few tips of the different areas in your home that worked for me to stay organized. I hope this will help you and will inspire you to get started.
Before you start I recommend watching The Minimalist on Netflix. You don’t have to became a minimalist person, but it is definitely an eyeopener for everyone.
To start, pick a closet or a drawer first that you wish to be more organized. Once you are done, continue until you can complete the whole room, then you can go to the next area of the house. Let’s say your closet is very messy and you are using it every day. It is frustrating when you can’t find what to wear or your clothes always has wrinkles because it is overloaded. This can be easily fixed with a little organizing and decluttering!
Make sure you have 4 large bins or bags. One for donation, one to give away (for friends or family), one to toss and one to put away. Here we go!
Take everything out! Yes everything. Go through each item and if you haven’t worn them in a year, donate it. The exception here is sentimental items. I still have my wedding dress in my closet and I’m sure neither of my son’s wives will wear it, but I just can’t let it go! Having the same hangers will also give you a very organized look. Try to avoid plastic hangers, they are thicker and take up more space also many times tops or dresses just don’t stay on them.
For your drawers, creating dividers makes it easy to keep everything in place. For the best quality and price try these from Ikea. It works great for T-shirts, socks, panties, shorts or anything that doesn’t need to be hanged.
In the bathrooms go through all of your beauty products and keep only the ones you are using on a regular basis for everyday or for events. If there is anything you haven’t touched in about a year, let it go. I’m sure you will find some expired products as well, don’t hesitate to throw them away. Make sure you only buy cleaning products in bulk if you really have the space to store them. Most issues happen when people buy in bulk but there is no space for storage. They put a couple of things here and there and then keep buying, because they don’t remember they still have some in a different closet. Make sure you take a look at your towels as well. My rule is each family member has 2 bath towels and 1 beach towel. I have 4 hand towels, plus 3 more guest towels as we don’t usually have more than 3 visitors at the same time. All of the towels are matching with coordinating colors so when you look at them in the bathroom it looks clean and cohesive.
In the bedroom keep night stands simple. Have your book, reading light and alarm handy. Avoid keeping your phone in your bedroom at night. An important and simple way to keep your bedroom looking organized is to make your bed every morning.
Kids’ Rooms
Invite your children when it is time to organize their rooms. You will be surprised how much they will enjoy helping. When my sons do not want to help or part with things, a quick reminder that I will organize and donate without them (and may get rid of something they want to keep) is usually motivation enough and they will help me right away! We also rotate toys about every month or so. They make a big mess in a second, but it is a quick clean up as well. And on top of it, they feel they have a new toy on every rotation. You’re welcome!:) For stuffed animals this bean bag is a great way to store these! I also keep here my older ones clothes that are too small for him, but still too big for his brother.
The kitchen is where families usually spend the most time. Declutter all the mix and match plates and utensils, including cups and mugs. Check each drawer, if there is anything you are not using anymore let it go, including those kitchen appliances. Also, check expiration dates on pantry products and keep similar items together.
Living Room
The living room is probably the next area where you hang out with your family the most. Make it peaceful and calm. Declutter everything that doesn’t belong there or keep them in a nice storage box that still makes it look tidy (preferable not clear). I used to have a book shelf for kids with toys and books. All that happened was they made a mess and didn’t even play. I changed this to keep only a few books and 1-2 board games in our living room and it helped keep the mess in their room. If you do need some space dedicated to toys in your living room, this storage ottoman is great and can also be used as extra seating when company is over.

I hope with my personal experience I am able to help you to start and finish your home organization.
Remember to be easy on yourself. Take your time and do not force yourself to give away something you love.
In case you need any professional help there, are always Personal Organizers you can call (like Unmess My Nest).
So many helpful tips! I especially love the idea of rotating out toys. Also your idea to motivate kids to donate toys. Definitely going to try this one.
Im glad to hear you liked the tips. Im sure you will have benefits from toy rotations😉😍
Awesome article. Thanks for sharing! I struggle with the kids bedroom. The bin bag is a great idea!!
Thank you Paloma, let me know if you need any help. I can give you some ideas if you send me pictures😉😍
Very helpful! Thank you for including the links to your favorite items, such as the ottoman. This makes getting started so much easier!
My pleasure AJ, Im here to help. Let me know if you need any advise. Happy to help😍😉