Mother’s Day Activities in 2021

This year, everything is different. We are already used to this new normal. I personally didn’t stop my life but continued being cautious. Avoiding busy locations on weekends and of course, wearing masks even if it wasn’t mandatory. Mother’s Day for me is not about pampering myself or receiving gifts (well, a flower would be nice!), it’s about being with the boys who made me mom, and not worrying about any ‘mom’s duties’.

If you are looking for some activities and still avoiding crowds, here are some tips on how to spend this Mother’s Day. Your day, Beautiful Mama!

Scavenger hunt with mom’s favorite items. If you are not a crafty person, you can always purchase a cute one like this on Etsy.

Backyard Activities Go out and be a child again! Bean bag toss, tug-of-war, hide and seek, water play, twister or anything you liked as a kid.

Themed Picnic you pick a theme and kids prepare the snack. (I am going with this option with a breakfast. Everything will be strawberries)

At home spa. Let your kids pamper you (in their own way:))

Breakfast made by kids. Let’s see if they know what mommy likes…

Visit a farm. Family Horse Academy is a super nice option, because it is very spacious and you can still maintain social distance. My boys usually spend the whole time in the bunny cage eating carrots with them:) Animal petting, horse back riding are available. Entrance is $15/child and $5/adult.

Schedule a Mother’s Day mini photo session. Check out our very own Kim Beebe Photography for awesome pictures

I also wanted to include a trip to the gym for a workout, but it just doesn’t feel right to do that on Mother’s Day:) Instead, look for a beach or private yoga session with your children. If you prefer the second check out Yoga.Reka on Instagram, she is amazing.

Mother’s Day Crafts are always a nice bonding activity between us and the kids. Maybe the project you do this Mother’s Day can be put in a time capsule to be opened in 5 years, with some notes or favorite small items. Perfect two in one activities.

Having fun in the kitchen baking cookies, having a tea party or treating yourselves to fruit and chocolate fondue can also never go wrong. (Remember, I said DO NOT worry about ‘mom’s duties’, that includes the kitchen!)

After all, the most important thing is to enjoy your day. Mother’s Day is about you, so please don’t worry about the house, food, laundry or anything else! Just dedicate this day to you and the way you would like to spend it. You are all amazing MAMAs and your kids love you the most in the planet. Most of the time it’s not easy, but at the end of the day, we all are blessed with our children who mean the WORLD to us.


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