MOMS MEAN BUSINESS: Featuring Ana Maria Sanin, The Confident Closer

Moms Mean Business - Ana Maria Sanin

Meet Ana Maria Sanin. A woman confident and brave enough to launch her own business in the middle of a pandemic. I was lucky enough to work with Ana many years ago and to be able to stay in touch with her through her amazing personal journey. 

Her story is truly inspirational.

Through many obstacles, she is now not only an amazing mom to 2 grown kids, Nick 23 and Isabella 16 (with another little one on the way, due Nov. 2021!) but, started her own podcast in 2016 which she expanded into a full time business in May of 2020, Confident Closers. Ana is 37 years old and raising her family in Pompano Beach, read on to learn more about her and how she does it all!

Tell us about your company.

 I own a branding and consulting agency, specifically focusing on branding the mortgage industry. Here is my website for more detailed information 

Why did you decide to pivot your career and start your own business?

I have always wanted to run my own business to own my time and do something that I truly love. I’ve been passionate to help others find their why and become successful through what they do. By loving and growing into the best version of themselves. I believe we all deserve to work to live, not  live to work. If that makes sense, life is more than doing what you have to do because it is what is expected. We are here to enjoy the essentials of life, grow with our loved ones and build solid relationships for life.  After spending 5 years in the mortgage space providing personal branding support to the companies I work with, in 2020 I saw the opportunity to go on my own and so I did, This is a very lucrative space that is finally realizing the importance of personal  branding and I want to be part of it. 

How do you juggle running your company with spending time with your family?

I have a team in place who takes care of the day to day task while I focus on new business but first prioritizing my family. 

With another little one on the way, do you expect to be able to take maternity leave? What do you think that will be like for you and your family? 

Absolutely. Again my well being and my dreams of how I want to raise my child come first. Even if that means having to make financial changes in my life to accomplish that. 

What has been the greatest challenge in your career?

First off, having to be a mother at an early age and having no choice but to work and put work first. Second, having the ability to believe in myself and realizing that rather than having to prove myself in the work field, proving myself to me was instead more important. 

What lessons have you learned in your career that you apply to parenting (or vice versa)?

Everything is a must but what truly can you control and what can you not? I can only control my choices but not the outcomes. Quality time is priceless. 

What do you hope to pass to your children about success and failure?

Success is defined within. The more your success depends on others acceptance and titles. When failure comes you might not be able to get back up. Stop living for other people’s acceptance and recognition its a vicious cycle that is never ending and at the end it’s their own fears that are being passed on to you,.

How has motherhood impacted you both personally and professionally?

I never planned or grew up dreaming of becoming a mother, but I love my children and feel proud to see who they are becoming. Motherhood has definitely taught me to be more practical and to never give up, especially as a single mother. 

Some FUN! Getting to know YOU:

How do you like your coffee: black 

Favorite SoFlo Date Night: early dinner at any restaurant on the beach 

Favorite SoFlo Restaurant: Right now Beach House, because of the ambiance 

Best place you have traveled to: Sayulita Mexico 

What’s on the top of your bucket list: Travel to asia or europe 

Most embarrassing mom moment: Loose bladder, jumping on a trampoline and peeing on myself 

Best mom advice you’ve received: never take for granted every stage of your child, you will never have those moments back

Favorite SoFlo family activity: kayaking, paddle boarding 

Best binge-worthy tv show: don’t watch tv 

What do you do for self care: buy myself things that I enjoy and make me happy 

Favorite way to spend time with friends: brunch or a nice day at the beach 

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Listen to her Podcast:

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