Moms Mean Business: Featuring Aliz Sass with Unmess My Nest

Aliz Sass is a SoFlo Moms contributor and a Mom who Means Business! She is a 39 year old mother of 2 boys who was born and raised in Hungary. She moved to the US in 2010. She married her best friend in 2014 and together they moved to Hollywood, Florida in 2015. Since then, she has raised her family in South Florida and now started her own business, Unmess My Nest earlier this year!

Read on to see how she has manages building her own business and raising her 2 young boys.

Tell us about your company.

Unmess My Nest is my professional organization company I started in 2021. I am very passionate about helping people to spend more time with their families and helping them improve their home, teaching them that if all the things in their home have a place, it is not that time consuming to have a tidy home.   

Why did you decide to pivot your career and start your own business?

A very good friend of mine encouraged me to take advantage of my personality of being organized, and helping others. I was ready to go back to work after being a stay at home mom, however I had to find a career where I could have my own schedule. I wanted to do something that I like, help others and make a living out of it.

How do you juggle running your company with spending time with your family?

Time management is also one of my very important tasks in our daily life and I always make sure that I have time with my family. I am very old fashioned and I have a daily calendar and write everything down. Otherwise it is out of control for me.

Were you able to take maternity leave? What was that like for you and your family?

I was on maternity leave for 2 years and just when I went back to work in a nail salon as a manager I became pregnant with our second son. I was working until the day before I gave birth and then another 2 more years of maternity leave followed. My husband is very supportive and agreed as we don’t have any family in the United States, we really wanted our kids to be raised by us when they were very little. I feel very fortunate and thankful for my husband that I was and I am able to spend the time with them. 

What has been the greatest challenge in your career?

I think the beginning is always a challenge and when I didn’t have clients I was concerned. I’m very happy now:)

What lessons have you learned in your career that you apply to parenting (or vice versa)?

At the beginning I thought the key to being organized meant having a minimalist lifestyle (as I do). But, experience taught me that’s really not the case and I respect everybody’s home and lifestyle. I’m their guidance not a person to judge. Since our kids were born, we teach our kids to love everyone as they are and being social is one of their strengths. I would love them to continue this amazing personality, epecially because something I never could have is just a few friends:) We love to be around people.

And of course I drive my boys crazy at home to keep their toys organized, however most of the time, we do these chores together so it is more fun and less arguing. And, it ends up being a race. 

What do you hope to pass to your children about success and failure?

I would like them not to be afraid of failing. Mistakes will teach them to be better or do things differently. We teach them to keep going no matter how much they fail. It is hard because I am a maximalist person who doesn’t like if something is not perfect. I am still learning too.

How has motherhood impacted you both personally and professionally?

The beginning of my motherhood was stressful. I didn’t know a lot of things and if there was no google, I don’t know how I would raise my first born. Don’t judge me, but it is not easy to be a mom at all, especially if that is not in your home country, without your parents or cousins, aunts and uncles. Besides that, I still struggle with my extra weight I couldn’t lose since becoming a mom, but I’m working on it.

Professionally, I think as a mom it is way easier to organize a home with kids than if I wasn’t a mom. And, at the same time I am having a lot of fun when I don’t see toys around:) 

Is there a promo code or discount code you can offer readers?

The first 5 readers who contact me to help their home organize I would love to offer $50 off of materials (drawer organizers, lazy susan, containers,hangers etc) from my inventory. Please refer to promo code THESOFLOMOMS

Some FUN! Getting to know YOU:

How do you like your coffee: With milk 

Favorite SoFlo Date Night: Ummm, a date night?:)

Favorite SoFlo Restaurant: Any colombian or italian restaurant

Best place you have traveled to: Colombia

What’s on the top of your bucket list: To travel around Europe with my family 

Most embarrassing mom moment: When my 3 years old slapped a young girl butt at a cashier saying “Muchacha”

Best mom advice you’ve received: Try to breastfeed my kids even if it is hard at the beginning. 

Favorite SoFlo family activity: everything that is outdoor, specially farms and beach

Best binge-worthy tv show: The Fosters

What do you do for self care: I love to walk, bike and do tabata and to get my nails done is always a must:)

Favorite way to spend time with friends: As long as we are together we always have fun. Either at each other’s house, beach or playground. 

Connect with Aliz at:




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  1. Marcela G.

    I have known Aliz for some years and I have to say she is the best organizer I have ever seen, she manage her time, kids, healthy cooking, wife life and cleaning at the same time so perfect. I am so happy and proud of you. You are the best!!! Highly recommended 😍

  2. Julie Galinanes

    I am envious of your organization skills as I don’t have an organization bone in my body! I will definitely be spreading the word around about your business 🙂

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