Florida Summer Fun with the Little Ones!

Finally its summer! I’m so happy to finally get a bit of fun in the sun in the sunshine state of FL! There are so many activities to do around the area, and it’s the perfect time to enjoy every bit of it. Some of these I’m sure you have done before or maybe want to revisit but here are a few things to do for some Florida summer fun with the family!

  1. Go to the beach!
    One of the perks of living in FL is having beach access 24/7. It’s something that many people outside Florida are definitely jealous of! If you’re in FL, a beach is something that can be done by all and at different levels. There are people who love to go into the water and spend the afternoon tanning while the kids build a sandcastle. Others (like me) who are not a huge fan of being in the water and sun can enjoy walking around a boardwalk and people watching, or enjoying a nice brunch near the water. So depending on your interest or activity level there is usually something everyone in the family can enjoy.
  2. Take the kids to pick fruit, gardening or other outdoorsy activities
    There are a ton of cute outdoor activities to do as a family outdoors to get the kids out of the house. I live in Boca and there are so many cute things to do around me. There’s Bedner’s Farm and The Girls Strawberry picking. There’s also the Delray Beach Children’s Garden if you’re kids are older and want a more interactive gardening experience. That’s just near me, and I’m sure there is plenty nearby with just a quick search away. If you don’t want to go to these organized establishments, there’s also just simply going to the local park near you. There they have a playground, walking trails, splash pads, other activities for you and your kids to enjoy!
  3. Do a drop in class
    There’s so many drop in classes available for adults and kids of all ages. There drop in dance classes, fitness classes, cooking classes or art classes to name a few. ArtNEST near me has a bunch of drop in classes for one year old’s and above, so I’m really excited to try that out with my baby Serena once she turns one towards the end of this month! Yes, make sure you check the age groups for these classes! Also, for all you moms with younger kids, refer to my Making Mom Friends Post COVID 19 Edition article to get some ideas for mommy and me and other types of classes. A lot of these classes can be drop in, so you can try it out!
  4. Check out your nearby downtown area
    Boca has a beautiful little downtown called Mizner Park that I frequent all the time. There, you can simply walk around with your kids and grab a Starbucks or Sloan’s Ice Cream for a refreshing summer treat. A lot of these downtown areas also have events such as movie nights or art exhibitions, so keep an eye out on Eventbrite or Facebook events to see any local events happening in a downtown area near you. A lot of them are tailored to kids or have some sort of “family fun day” type theme.
  5. Check out the local museums or other pop ups
    There are so many art museums and pop ups to explore! My downtown Boca has an art museum in the same Mizner Park that I mentioned before. There are also a lot of pop ups that come and go, mostly in the Miami area. Currently there is the Van Gough Exhibit and SuperBlue Miami happening in the Miami area. I’m not sure how long they will last, some may be ending this month! So make sure to check them out before they’re gone or try to keep a look out for some more. They’re always new ones coming and going all the time!
Walking around Mizner Park!
Me at one of the pop up shops!

These are just a few of the many ideas I’ve been doing or planning to do with my little one! Do you have any fun summer ideas? Let me know in the comments 🙂

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