Ladies, I know a lot of you are probably going nuts trying to add items to your baby registry. Not only are you dealing with being pregnant and all the craziness that is involved with that but, also preparing for the unknown of a newborn is definitely challenging! It’s scary, you don’t know what to expect! Whether this is your first child or your last child, having a new baby comes with getting a whole array of things you need to help ease the transition of bringing a brand new being into this world. Below is my personal list of my top 5 newborn must-haves that I would not be able to live without!
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1. Dock-a-Tot (or other newborn lounger). This is an absolute must for the newborn stage. Newborns need something to make them feel comfortable and secure and your arms aren’t the only ones that need to suffer! A newborn lounger helps place the baby down in a spot to relax and lay in. Most are cushioned and pillowed so they can snuggle up to it so your arms are free to do other things. I used a Dock-a-tot which literally was my lifesaver! Though there are lots of other brands at different price points to be able to achieve the same goal of comfort and flexibility.
2. Graco Pack-and-Play (with bassinet insert). Many people have bassinets that babies outgrow in a few months. The Pack-and-Play is a do-it-all thing! You can use it as a bassinet for a newborn child. Your child will eventually outgrow a normal bassinet in 4-6 months and transition into a crib. The Pack-And-Play will serve as an additional space to place your child for a nap even at this stage. Later, it will come in handy as a playpen to contain your baby from getting into trouble! I love the fact that it is portable so I can take it with me when I’m traveling or visiting my parents. I even move it around to different rooms in my own house!
3. Sophie La Giraffe Baby Teether. This rubber toy and teether combined is such a fan favorite with babies! I thought it was just hype but I also saw how much it helped soothe my baby. Now that my baby is 8 months old she loves playing with it and is still constantly putting it in her mouth. There is something about the cuteness of this toy and the fact that it provides relief while teething that really does make it such a popular toy. I love that it is French themed and has a cute name to it!

4. Peek a Poo (disposable changing pads). There are a lot of accidents and a lot of blowouts as a newborn. Their bodies are really starting to develop and along that transition it leaves a big mess for you to clean up. A lot of people use reusable sustainable products including diapers, changing pad covers etc and I commend them for being so eco-friendly. For me, I am more about convenience, especially when I am dealing with something constantly in the moment. These disposable changing pads are super absorbent and contain all the little messes as you’re trying to change your baby. When you’re done, you throw it in the trash and never look at it again!
5. Swing / Glider. Babies need change especially when they need to be soothed. There’s only so much rocking and laying them flat down that can be done. When you need to provide some change to soothe your baby or even provide a nice form of entertainment at that age, a swing or glider can do just that. There are so many different types and brands, I personally had two. I used the Graco Glider which had a cry mode (where it changed the way it swayed when my baby cried, my baby loved this feature), and also a Fisher Price Puppy Swing which was more of a toy than a soother. Both were great and definitely helped calm my baby down!
These are my top 5 must haves! There are so many more items I could’ve added but these five I absolutely could not live without! What do you think about them or do you have any suggestions? Let me know in the comments below
Great list! I also love the dock-a-tot!!
So agree on all these. We also loved Sophie the giraffe