Beat The Heat: Tips to Keep Your Kids Cool —Walt Disney World Edition

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If you know me, then you know I am DISNEY OBSESSED! I was engaged in Disney, married in Disney, and travel to Disney any chance I get. The coolest part about traveling to Disney now? Seeing the magic through my children’s eyes. My son’s 3rd birthday was at the end of May, and we finally felt comfortable traveling back to our home away from home. If I could give you any advice though, it would be to never travel to Disney at the end of May, because it’s hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks (come on this is a family blog :p). My son is super cute though, and his idol is Lightning McQueen, so Disney it was! Here are some tips on how we beat the heat!

Stroller Fans

I don’t think we would’ve been able to survive the heat without these fans. The great thing about them is that they come with a flexible tripod, so you can wrap them around just about anything. You can also stand them up, which was great when we ate anywhere outside. It’s also powered by a USB rechargeable battery, so we just recharged them every night. It’s pretty powerful too, as it has 3 wind speeds, which was great at keeping my little ones extra cool.

Cooling Towels

Okay, I’ve gotta admit, these towels seemed super gimmicky to me at first. Trust me though, you need them. To use— soak with ice cold water, wring out excess water, and finally snap them a few times. They stay nice and cool for a few hours. We loved putting these on our 7 month old baby girl. A little bonus—she’s teething and loved chewing on these. 😀 You can find them here.


This may seem like common sense, but when you’re having a magical time, you sometimes forget to take a break and refuel. A tip I give to every person going to Disney, is BUY YOUR OWN CASE OF WATER. We all know Disney can be pricey—save your money for souvenirs! It definitely starts to add up when you spend $4 per bottle. Every Disney hotel comes with a fridge, so you can keep them nice and cold for the parks and when you get back to the room!


What better way to beat the heat than to cool off for a quick dip in the pool?! The mere mention of the word “Disney” causes some people to already feel exhausted (it doesn’t have to be exhausting!) The parks will still be there if it gets too hot – catch transportation back to your hotel and get in the pool! Parents, it doens’t hurt to enjoy a refreshing cocktail by the pool bar either. That will definitely keep you cool.


This final tip comes from my husband. Really, the man should be on the cover of Vogue, because he is a true style icon. My husband swears by these sun hats. This hat has UPF 50 sun protection, sweat-wicking headband to keep you cool and dry, and an adjustable toggle for comfort.

I also love this hat for my little one. It helps by protecting baby’s head, neck, and eyes. It has a lightweight material and UPF 50 protection as well.

Here’s hoping these tips help give you zip-a-dee-doo-dah-day!

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